Next Josie is 4 months old. Time seriously is flying. We went to her 4 month appointment yesterday and she weighs 14 lbs 13 ounces and she is 26 in tall. That is the 97 %tile. What the heck.... she must get her height from her daddy!!!!! The doctor says that she is doing unusually well. That is good I think. She really is a blessing to the Heriford family. We absolutely adore her and fall more in love with her everday. Some of the fun things she does is: take out her binkie and try to put it back in her mouth. Laughs alot. Grandma Nancy taught her to eat her toes. She loves to grab our hands when we try to put her binkie back in her mouth. She loves watching BABY Mozart, JAZZ games, and SPORTScenter. Thanks daddy. Oh and she doesn't really like tummy time......
Also my mom came out to visit and we went to Thanksgiving point to the Tulip Festival. It was soo pretty and so warm. Gracey, Addi, and Jenn came along. It was so fun. Josie slept for most of it but I think Gracey loved it.