Tuesday, October 28, 2008


Puck turned the big 26 on Saturday!!!! It was so fun getting everything ready for his birthday. Puck never tells me what he wants for birthdays or Christmas or anything. He told me to get him a camcorder so we have it when the baby is born but I could tell he really didnt want that for his birthday. So last week it hit me.... Get him golf clubs. He doesn't go very often but he really enjoys it. It is so fun getting him stuff that he actually wants. Infact, he was so excited when I gave them to him he said, "This is actually what I wanted but I didn't want to ask for them!" SO cute!!! he is so selfless. I should really learn from him! Oh and I made his birthday cake, it might look like a little kid made it but it was me. And I added the picture of Puck and Hank because they did match!!!!


Kara said...

The pic of Hank and Puck is funny! So preppy these days. Now Puck can channel his Grandpa Wayne's golf skills he'll be good to go.

Joslyn said...

aww, your belly looks so cute Jess!

P.S. Happy birthday Puck (even though I've never met you!)

Kellie Henry said...

Happy Birthday Puck! You can never go wrong with getting a boy golf clubs! I am sure he was thrilled to have those....and you probably got the "Best Wife" award in his eyes too! LOL...That is so fun that your baby is getting so close! You two are so cute!

Staci said...

Love the cake..super jealous that you look So super amazing..and Happy Birthday Puck:)

Staci said...

Love the cake..super jealous that you look So super amazing..and Happy Birthday Puck:)

Nicole said...

He's only 26?? I feel so old...
Happy Birthday Puck!

Melinda Lindahl said...

Puck! It's Melinda Bowen, an old classmate. Thought I'd look you up to see what you're up to because I moved into your parents old ward and stake in Grandview. Happy Birthday! Congrats on the wedding and the baby coming up! I am very happy for you and Jessica. Kids are so fun! Jessica, the cake looks awesome! I thought it was professionally done until I read your comment. Good job! It's better than I could've done.

Ash said...

Happy Birthday Puck. Jess your darling pregnant. I love ya. Thanks for alwasy being so sweet. We need to play!

Tony and Jay Ivins said...

Hope you had a good birthday and I hope you both have a great anniversary weekend!

Mikelle said...

Jessica your a babe of a pregnant girl. I'm also making our blog private so if you want to view ours leave me your email soon. Thanks!

Colby and Steph Stringham said...

you think I SUCK at bloggin... hmmmm, look when MY last post was, and look when YOUR last post was... i am winning!!! haha