Tuesday, July 22, 2008

My favorite photographer took pictures of my nieces yesterday and they turned out sooo cute! I love them. You can see more at the colorbluephoto.com


Colby and Steph Stringham said...

oh my gosh! how freakin cute are they!??! And I am so bummed we missed you while you were here! We just got back from Powell!!!

Colby and Steph Stringham said...

ps... i voted girl... haha!

Killjoy said...

Keep it real bloggers!

Staci said...

Oh my!! I haven't been on here for awhile!! Congrats on the babe news!! Yeah, it will be the cutest!! Hope everything else is going well!

Colby and Steph Stringham said...

haha! I think its because we want it to be a girl!!

Kensie said...

That picture is so cute. How was the rest of your vaca here in Utah?

CHUNTZ said...

Amazing shot. Come home and play with Lindsey and I

Amy said...

Ok that is adorable!!!

SHELBYand LANDON said...

Hey Jess!! This is Shelby (Jen's neighbor) Just had to say I loved your wedding pictures, and of the girls i had Tawsha do my senior pictures! Keep up the blog, I love it!